Extend your holiday in Castrocaro Terme with a flight from Forlì airport.
Stay at the Grand Hotel Castrocaro Long Life Formula® conveniently close to the recently opened 'Luigi Ridolfi' airport in Forlì.
Forlì airport, in the heart of Romagna, just a few kilometres from the main resorts on the Riviera. Comfortable, safe, smart.
Functional and fast check-in, security control and boarding operations, without forgetting the passenger focus. From parking to flying, everything is passenger-friendly! In all environments you will be pampered by the typical Romagna welcome.
You can leave from Forlì and extending your stay for flights with destination:
Olbia, Catania, Alghero, Lampedusa, Trapani, Naples, Brindisi, Lamezia Terme, Malta, Tirana and from 1 and 3 September 2022 Palermo and Katowice will be added.
For more information visit the Forlì Airport website: forli-airport.com
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the events and services offered by Grand Hotel Castrocaro.
Where we are
Via Roma 2 47011
Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole FC - Italy
Longlife Formula S.r.l - P.I 02363180403 - Share Capital € 1.600.000 i.v. - Copyright 2023
LongLife Formula, Lucia Magnani Health Clinic, Terme di Castrocaro are trademarks registered by Longlife Formula Srl, a company belonging to the Villa Maria Group S.p.A.
PEC: gvm-terme@legalmail.it