English and Italian - Two Languages Compared (Morgagni)

Presentation of the latest book by Antonio Morgagni – “English and Italian – two languages compared.” –

Saturday 30 September at 5.30 p.m. in the Sala dell'Affresco of the medieval fortress of Castrocaro Terme,
Antonio Morgagni presents his latest book, 'English and Italian - two languages in comparison'.

"Welcome to an intriguing journey of discovery of Italian and English, comparing 'oblique language' and 'direct language'.

Antonio Morgagni teaches English language and literature at the Liceo Statale G. B. Morgagni in Forlì.
The lecturer is committed to issues of environmental protection, sustainable mobility, traffic education and urban traffic calming strategies. Antonio has also published the books 'indispensable English' and 'From Englishisms to English'.