Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 Septemberwood artist Thaddeus Moustrides opens the gates of his garden in Castrocaro for a sunset exhibition-opening.
English artist Thaddeus Moustrides began handling wood at the age of 11, inspired by his carpenter father and the objects he saw taking shape in the family workshop.
Woodworking has for Thaddeus Moustrides a healing connotations and playful connection with their own personal form of spirituality.
It is play, a free and uncensored manifestation of the creativity that lies within each of us and which must necessarily find an outlet.
It is with this premise that Thaddeus also offers 'Wood Therapy' courses through its 'Roots - live, love, wood' brand
The exhibition-aperitif takes place on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September 2022 from 17.00 to 23.00 in via Bagnolo 88 in Castrocaro Terme.
Admission is free and open to all.
Reservations welcome at 349 4626438 (Thaddeus Moustrides) or by sending an e-mail to
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Where we are
Via Roma 2 47011
Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole FC - Italy
Longlife Formula S.r.l - P.I 02363180403 - Share Capital € 1.600.000 i.v. - Copyright 2023
LongLife Formula, Lucia Magnani Health Clinic, Terme di Castrocaro are trademarks registered by Longlife Formula Srl, a company belonging to the Villa Maria Group S.p.A.