Visit the fortress of Castrocaro

Visit the fortress of Castrocaro

  Unique for its type and size, the Castrocaro forteresse is composed of three distinct structures:
Gérone, Rocca and Arsenal Médicis.
Inside the museum complex, it is possible to visit the Médicis fortress and the armory, the Castellano palace, the courtyard, the Santa Barbara church, the prison tour, the troglodyte caves and what is called the "balconies".

From 'Acquacheta', where you can admire a panorama from the souffle here just above Monte Falterona.
The Museum of History and Archeology called “L'AIGLE, LES CLÉS, LE LYS” is installed in the rooms of the Palazzo del Castellano, where they are preserved of armor, jewels, paintings, jewels and antiquities.


Saturday: 3pm-7pm

Weekdays and weekends: 10am-1pm / 3pm-7pm

ENTRY BILL PRICE (à la Forteresse et au Musée Historique):

– Full price: €5.00 (from 15 to 65 years).
– Reduction: €4.00 (from 7 to 14 years old, over 65 years old, taught with teacher's card)
– Free: from 0 to 6 years old, residents of the Municipality of Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole, disabled people with a companion.


Month of November (calendrier en cours de mise à jour)

– Wednesday 1st November at 4pm
– Sunday 5th November at 10.30am
– Sunday 12th November at 4pm
– Sunday 19th November at 10.30am
– Sunday November 26th at 4pm

Cost of the visit: €5.00 per participant.

Entry billet to the museum: after the grille price of the structure
Durée de la visita guide: 1 hour et demie.

For information and registration, write to 349 9766518 (Whatsapp or SMS) before 12pm before the visit

Guided visits on reservation for groups.

Access to children, equipped with a laissez-faire and a museum in accordance with Presidential Decree n.320/1954, is exclusively authored in the external spaces of the museum sector. Les chiens ne peuvent pas être amenés dans l'enceinte de la Forteresse.

Organized by the municipality of Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole in collaboration with Formula Servizi Soc.Coop. and Pro Loco de Castrocaro.

Pro Loco Castrocaro tel. +39 0543 769541 – mobile. +39 351 7793461
Office de Tourisme IAT Castrocaro Terme
tel. 0543 769631 – portable. +39 350 5193970.