At the Grand Hotel Castrocaro, every moment is a timeless emotion.
Because here history is a heritage to be experienced.
Inaugurated in 1938 by Umberto di Savoia, it retains its original architecture for
thanks to the expert renovation works, and it combines period atmospheres with elements
contemporary luxury.
Built to host the illustrious people who went to the spa, it stands out from the
from the origins for elegance and refinement.
A true jewel of Italian Art Deco thanks to the design and decorative intervention of Tito Chini, exponent and artistic director of the Florentine manufacturer Fornaci San Lorenzo.
The work of his eclectic creativity are the precious ceramic elements, but also the various paintings that decorate the walls and the polychrome glass windows that can be admired in many rooms of the Grand Hotel Castrocaro and the Paglione delle Feste, as well as in the spa. Tito Chini was in fact appointed decorator of the complex divided into three buildings, which still today strike for their profound stylistic unity.
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the events and services offered by Grand Hotel Castrocaro.
Where we are
Via Roma 2 47011
Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole FC - Italy
Longlife Formula S.r.l - P.I 02363180403 - Share Capital € 1.600.000 i.v. - Copyright 2023
LongLife Formula, Lucia Magnani Health Clinic, Terme di Castrocaro are trademarks registered by Longlife Formula Srl, a company belonging to the Villa Maria Group S.p.A.