During your stay at the Grand Hotel Castrocaro Longlife Formula ® you can play tennis at the Castrocaro Derby club in via Vallicelli, 12, Castrocaro Terme, 47011 a 1 km from the Grand Hotel.
Info: +393281786348
Rate 1 h € 15.00
Please fill in the form below to check the availability of your stay:
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gli eventi e i servizi offerti da Grand Hotel Castrocaro.
Longlife Formula S.r.l – P.I 02363180403 – Capitale Sociale € 1.600.000 i.v. – Copyright 2023
LongLife Formula, Lucia Magnani Health Clinic, Terme di Castrocaro sono marchi registrati da Longlife Formula srl, azienda del Gruppo Villa Maria s.p.a.
PEC: gvm-terme@legalmail.it